Our Annual Club Dinner and Presentation of Awards was held on Friday, 9th. November and was, as ever, well-supported with more than sixty members in attendance. This year we were fortunate to be joined by one of Carrickfergus Cricket Club's most distinguished and well-respected former members as our guest speaker: International Umpire, Paddy O'Hara. Paddy entertained us with a sparkling and humorous speech which included many anecdotes of his own playing days at Carrickfergus. Some of the stories went back far enough that even our own Beggsy was struggling! Mr. O'Hara is obviously a man whose experience belies his youthful appearance... (we'll be looking for a few favourable decisions for that one next season, eh lads?). Joining Paddy and his wife as guests of our President, we were also honoured by the company of the ever-affable Northern Cricket Union Vice-President Harold McCrory, his Laurelvale colleague Adrian Campbell, and their wives, the President of the Northern Ireland Umpires' and Scorers' Association, Arthur Thompson, and his wife and the Town Mayor and Lady Mayoress, Billy Ashe and his wife. The dinner itself was, as per usual, of the very highest quality and we would take this opportunity to compliment our fantastic and ever-popular club-caterer, Fiona, for her efforts on the night.
The Prize Winners from the 2001 Season were as follows...
Cricketer of the Year: Barry Cooper
Young Cricketer of the Year: Iain Parkhill
Best Individual Match-Winning Performance: Greg Weir
1st XI Batsman: Barry Cooper
1st XI Bowler: Michael McIlroy
Junior Batsman: Alex Adams
Junior Bowler: Gordon Creighton
3rd XI Player of the Year: Colin Brown
5th XI Player of the Year: Desy Allen
U15 Batsman: Philip Ritchie
U15 Bowler: Anthony Martin
U13 Batsman: Mark McCrea
U13 Bowler: Andrew Wilson